Friday, May 12, 2017

Getting started on the slice project

 A few meetings ago, this photo was finally chosen to be sliced and done as a group project.

Due to weather, illness, vacations.... it has taken longer than expected to get the project started, but Chris and Mary Ellen brought in the blown up version of the picture and sliced it up for each participant to get started on.

They have set a deadline of November for the project to be finished.  Meanwhile, they will share and compare progress with the rest of us at future meetings.

For now, there's always show and tell!

Chris battled the cool and dreary weather with a bright and cheery quilt for May

 Kathi had a lot of goodies to share....

This is a bag she made using one of her pieces she hasn't found a home for.  It's waiting for the right handles to come along .

The "boro" jacket Kathi made using and old denim shirt is finished. 

Mary Ellen was recruited to model it for us.

It will be part of the fashion show at the Genesee Valley Quiltfest in June
Kathi enjoyed the boro project so much se's making another piece.  This one will probably be a bag for her daughter.

These pieces will also be on display at the quiltfest.

This piece, titled "Camisole de Force"  was part of the RAFA "Whence" exhibit.  Each participant made a quilt inspired by the name of a traditional quilt block.  Kathi chose crazy quilting, and made a straight jacket.

A while back, Mary Ellen led a workshop on painting faces, using Bonnie McCaffrey's method.  This is Mary Ellen's granddaughter. We can't show the whole quilt, because it's part of a special exhibit to be shown later this year.  It will be worth the wait, I assure you!

Martha also had a quilt she didn't love, so she also turned hers into a bag!

We are discussing doing more hands on projects at the meetings.  Stay tuned.

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