Thursday, June 20, 2019


At the June meeting, Mary Ellen led the activity.  Using techniques from RaNae Merrill's book, Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts, Mary Ellen made this quilt several years ago for a challenge. 

She had previously done a demo on this at a meeting of the Museum Quilt Guild, so had some nice teaching aids. (she used to be a teacher, can you tell?)

Here are different types of spirals she said are easy to design. (Piecing is a different story!)

Using the outline provided, we each designed a spiral and colored it in. 

Then the construction techniques were discussed. 

For now, we used glue to lay out our pieces, a step that is helpful when making them for real.

Martha cheated and cut each spiral as one piece. 


I think this is Elaine's???

Although most of us have no plans to make a quilt like this soon, it was fun to play and experiment with design.

Our telephone line game is about halfway done.  I don't know about the rest of the girls, but I am dying for the reveal- more to see if what I'm making for each one has anything at all to do with the original quilt in each series than anything else!  (I can't recall if I've explained this, so comment if you want to know more about it)

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